Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Bryan Beatty, CFP®, AIF®
President’s Message

As we close out February, I can’t help but note that we are setting a record for the warmest February in recorded history by about one half of a degree in temperature. I keep thinking about all the extra days of golf that I could have played if it weren’t for work, moving our company office, the birth of my 2nd daughter and the move of my personal residence all in the month of February. Oh and then there was the incredible FPA Career Fair where over 60 applicants from area CFP programs interviewed for positions with local chapter firms.

Can March get any better? I looked out 15 days on my Weather Channel app on my phone and it looks like the good weather pattern may take us all the way to St Patrick’s Day!

We have a dynamic program scheduled for the March 16th luncheon with a PR Training Workshop at 10 am with Ben Lewis, the FPA Director of Public Relations. That will be followed by ALM Advisors, Inc. Chief Economist Roger Arnold, who will present “Applying the Global Metanarrative”. The Global Metanarrative is an integral part of a comprehensive mental system of organizing data so that it may be remembered easily and recalled for processing into information by an individual. It is not an ideology and is not pro or anti anything. The Metanarrative is made up of four main parts that represent the primary issues that are common to all countries, societies, individuals and humanity generally. Those four parts are energy, technology, debt and demographics. Don’t miss this presentation and see how these factors will affect our economy in the near term.

In April we have a post-tax day Happy Hour with CE at Maggiano’s in Chevy Chase with Gary Altman as our speaker. He will present “The 12 Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes”. One CFP, one CIMA, one MD Insurance and one VA Insurance are pending approval for this program. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with colleagues, earn CE and enjoy appetizers and drinks as we celebrate the end of tax season!

Don’t forget to sign up for our Charity Golf Event May 3rd at Westfields Golf Course in Clifton VA. We have upgraded our dinner menu to include a delicious buffet following golf! This will be a fun event aimed at raising funds for the Foundation for Financial Planning and our chapter pro bono program.

We’re gearing up for a fantastic June Symposium focused on “Navigating Change in the Age of Uncertainty”.  There’s a lot that is changing in our clients’ lives and our businesses thanks to a shift in Administrations, a changing Fed policy and demographics that are forcing people (clients and advisors) into transitions on an ongoing basis. 

This year’s Spring Symposium will be divided into 2 sections:Helping Your Clients Navigate Change Successfully and will feature a keynote presentation by Wade Pfau, PhD, CFA Professor of Retirement Income at the American College and Director of Retirement Research at McLean Asset Management.  We’ll then put the focus on you as we explore Navigating Change in Your Own Practice featuring Bob Veres speaking about where the profession is going and where it needs to go.  We’ll have the usual sessions on technical topics and hopefully give you tools that will help you navigate 2017 and beyond! Additional details and registration will be announced soon!

I look forward to seeing you soon at our upcoming events.

Best Regards,
Bryan Beatty, CFP®, AIF®
2017 FPA NCA President

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Bryan Beatty, CFP®, AIF®
President’s Message

As of the day I am writing this month’s message to you all, the new administration has already used 12 executive actions and 4 executive orders in the first 6 days to repeal many of the orders executed by the departing administration. The problem with executive over reach is – it is easily undone.  One of the big questions facing our industry is whether or not the DOL Fiduciary rule will be either delayed or repealed. Either way, the industry’s move to embrace the #fiduciary standard is underway and unlikely to stop. Nonetheless, the impact to our industry will be profound in terms of the advisors in our industry, the types of practices that prosper and the make-up of our membership.  Embrace the change and get prepared for the new future. That is the general theme of this year’s programs “Navigating Change in the Age of Uncertainty”.

Are you looking to hire in 2017? The Career Fair is in February when we give recent CFP candidates from colleges, as well as career changers, the opportunity to interview for local positions in financial planning and offer them guidance. The spots for hiring are filling up fast and closing soon. This is one of the most successful career days of all the FPA chapters.

In March, we will host our media training day with Ben Lewis, Director of Public Relations for FPA, alongside our normal CE luncheon. If you want to learn how to become a trusted media source and obtain PR, then you should attend this training. The FPA Media Source provides opportunities to be interviewed in print and video almost daily and sometimes multiple times a day.

Our luncheon CE program in March will feature Roger Arnold, Chief Economist, ALM Advisors, Inc. His presentation will discuss Applying the Global Metanarrative, which includes a discussion about the probable public policies that will be pursued by this Administration and Congress, including monetary and fiscal policy, tax policy, regulatory outlook and the economic, political, military and social relationships that the US has with other countries. This program will be held at Bethesda Country Club. We hope you will attend.

There are opportunities to volunteer for Pro Bono work. FPA is teaming up with the Foundation for Financial Planning and AARP to test a new concept in delivering pro bono financial planning advice to the public. We will be participating in “pop up” events throughout the year. Please respond to our email announcements as those opportunities are announced.

Best Regards,

Bryan Beatty, CFP®, AIF®
2017 FPA NCA President