Friday, July 31, 2020

President’s Message

Parker Trasborg, CFP®

Dear Members,

As we head into the tail end of summer, I’m sure I’m not alone in hoping for some more moderate temperatures.  July closes out with having a record number of days at 90 degrees or higher in DC, beating any calendar month going back to 1872 (according to the National Weather Service).  August is often a quiet month for the chapter and this year is no different.  It’s a great time to relax, perhaps get out of town for a little while, or to watch some of the sports that have started/resumed their seasons while the chapter takes a breather after our virtual symposium in mid-July. 

We had a great turnout at our July symposium with over 90 members registered to attend the four-day program and over 110 registered for the ethics course.  Our first experience moving digital was a success with minimal technology issues, interesting speakers and an engaged audience.  I would like to thank several of our platinum sponsors including Nationwide, Altman & Associates, Charles Schwab, Osterweis, MFS, Pershing, and American Funds that supported the event by providing speakers.  Since we were not able to meet in person and have our regular sponsor booths, we invited all of our sponsors to speak for a few minutes at some point throughout the program to give a brief introduction about each of their firms.  Our sponsors appreciated the opportunity to speak and I know the audience really enjoyed the sessions.

As mentioned above, we are not planning any local events in August.  However, we are filling the fall calendar up virtually with our regular programming and community forums.  On September 15th, join our local NexGen for their next quarterly study group.  In addition, the National NexGen group is planning a virtual “One Day Experience” on August 14th in place of an in person NexGen Gathering.  If you are interested in joining, sign up here:

In October, we are planning to hold a virtual Career Day as we shift the timing of our annual Career Day from February to the fall.  This shift better aligns the event with when some of the top students are being hired for positions that will start the following summer after graduation or for summer internships. To avoid missing any of the top students at our event, we decided to hold this second event in October this year as we shift to our new fall schedule going forward.

Our programs co-directors continue to work diligently on our virtual fall programs, if you have any specific topics you’d like covered or speakers that you’d like to hear from, please reach out.  As always, the board welcomes any and all feedback on how we can make the chapter a better experience for you.  You are welcome to e-mail me directly at  Enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to seeing you virtually at an upcoming event.

Best wishes,


Parker Trasborg, CFP®

2020 FPA NCA President