Friday, July 5, 2013

The Emotional Investor

By Bryan Beatty

FPA NCA Membership Program July 11, 2013
Maggiano’s Restaurant, McLean, VA
Check in-11:30AM, Opening Announcements-Noon, End-2:00PM
Two CFP CEU, Two MD Insurance, Two VA Insurance, Two CIMA Approved and 2 CPA CPE Offered!

So if the average of the last 10 years of the market thru June 20, 2013 as measured by the S & P 500 is 6.95%, why is it that the average investor has a return no where near that number? Now before we go any further I know your clients are not the average investor. After all, they hired you to provide them guidance. According to a survey by Franklin Templeton, 79% of individuals still do not work with an advisor, and even some will leave an advisor for reasons that cause them great harm. Behavioral finance is that cause.

For the July luncheon program, our speaker is Jay Mooreland, Behavioral Economist, MS, CFP®.  “The Emotional Investor” examines what drives investor behavior. How do we better understand clients and thus better communicate with them to help them not do the wrong thing at the wrong time? He will help you understand that “irrational” behavior is normal behavior.

Join us for a great presentation on Investor Behavior and a closer look at behavioral finance.

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