Hopefully your tax
season went well and the extended three days to file did not make this time of
year any worse than it usually is. Now
with April behind us we can move on to some fun chapter events and great educational
programs in the coming months.
The fun and charity
begin with our 23rd Annual Golf Tournament on Wednesday, May 11 at
Westfields Golf Course. Our golf
tournament has been recognized by the National FPA as one of the best and been
copied by many other chapters due to the success and money FPA NCA has raised
for charity, with most of the proceeds going to local charities and the
Foundation for Financial Planning over the years. In fact, FPA NCA has contributed more to the
Foundation than all other chapters in the country combined. This shows the great success of this event
and that we have outstanding support and involvement from our members.
June 9 will be our
Spring Symposium at the Dulles Hyatt, and this year’s event will be bigger than
ever to help make up for our slightly downsized Winter Symposium due to the
snow. Keynote speakers will include
Michael Kitces and Carolyn McClanahan.
In total you will be able to receive 6 CE’s for CFP®, CIMA, MD and VA
Insurance, plus 2 CE for Ethics. We will also offer CPA CPE.
Our July meeting will feature Michael Finke, Ph.D., CFP® discussing “A New Perspective on Retirement Income Planning”. Dr. Finke is the Dean and Chief Academic Officer at The American College of Financial Services. Dr. Finke has served as the editor of the Journal of Personal Finance and is a contributing editor to Research Magazine. This will be another outstanding meeting you will want to attend.
Please note that we are working to stream-line member data from our
National FPA office to our local database. All member information is now updated
every night through a data transmission from the FPA National records. Therefore, your FPA National log in transfers
into our system as your log in
here. Please use your FPA National log in when trying to register on our
chapter website. If you have a problem with your password, please email Peggy
to have the password reset for you. Peggy can be reached at PEGGY@FPANCA.ORG.
In addition, any address, phone or email updates should be made on the
FPA National system, so that those records will feed into the chapter system
correctly. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we transition to
this new system!
Be sure to visit the
events page for all scheduled meetings and to register at www.fpanca.org. If you are a new member, or a seasoned member
who has not attended a meeting recently, I invite you to attend one meeting
this year, and I will be sure to introduce myself. With our busy careers, it is often hard to
make time for meetings. However, if you
attend I know you will not be disappointed.
Look forward to
seeing you at our next event.
Best Regards,
Daniel P. Lash, CFP®, AIF®
2016 FPA NCA President
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