Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Dan Lash, CFP®, AIF®  
President’s Message

The FPA National Capital Area held its 23rd Annual Golf Tournament on Wed., May 11th at Westfields Golf Course.  The May rain was not enough to stop our intrepid golfers from enjoying a great day spent with friends and area professionals.  Having our tournament at a later date, along with the rain, brought our participant count down to 72 golfers, but the new venue provided a much improved golf course this year.  We look forward to a bigger and better tournament next year which hopefully will include more sunshine.

Our NexGen Retreat was held on Sat., May 21 and brought together over 25 advisors under 36 years of age who will be the next generation of advisors to lead our profession.  If you are under 36 or know an advisor under 36, I would highly recommend they attend the NexGen Study Group in June.  The NexGen meetings bring together younger advisors to share ideas to help them grow and develop within a group of their peers.  From everyone I have spoken to over the years on the FPA-NCA Board, all those who participated or are participating in NexGen attributed the group to helping them become a better planner.  The next NexGen Study Group will be held June 28 at 5pm, registration is available at

As we head into the summer months and warmer weather, we will have our next Symposium on June 9 at the Dulles Hyatt.  The list of speakers is impressive, and I encourage all members to register for the event at the chapter website,  All the speakers have been approved for 6 CFP®, CIMA, MD Insurance, and VA Insurance CE credits, plus 2 MD and VA insurance, 2 CFP® and CIMA ethics credits.

Our next lunch meeting will be July 14 at Westwood CC in Vienna.  Our featured speaker will be Michael Finke, Ph.D. Mr. Finke is Dean and Chief Academic Officer at The American College of Financial Services.  He will be discussing a New Perspective on Retirement Planning. Along with Michael Finke will be Matt Stephani, CFA®.  Matt is a senior portfolio manager with Cavanal Hill funds and will be focusing his discussion on Global Energy Consumption. The July program will also provide 2 CFP®, CIMA, MD and VA Insurance CE credits, pending approval. Be sure to visit the events page for all scheduled meetings and register at  I look forward to seeing you at our next event.
Best Regards,
Daniel P. Lash, CFP®, AIF®, 2016 FPA NCA President

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