Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Chris Rivers, CFP®
President’s Message

We close out February on the heels of another successful Career Fair, thanks to the efforts of Emily Purdon, Emily Harper, Kelly McNerney and all of the committee members that have helped make this one of the can’t miss events of the year.  The day was packed full of interviews and roundtable discussions, along with a fabulous keynote presentation by Karen Schaeffer.  

And with that, we are on the cusp of spring.   We have two great events lined up for March.  On March 14th at Bethesda Country Club, we’ll have Ben Lewis, FPA’s Director of Public Relations, presenting Media Training. Following Ben, retired FBI agent Jeff Lanza will speak to us about preventing cyber crime and identity theft, a topic that should resonate with all of us as we grapple with both the benefits and burdens of an increasingly connected financial landscape.

On a lighter note, join us for Happy Hour on March 21st at Chima Steakhouse in Tysons.  This is the fourth year in a row for a happy hour celebrating the “20th Century Club.”  Do you remember the Mid-Atlantic Retreat? Were you a member of the ICFP or the IAFP, before there was a Financial Planning Association? Did you earn your CFP designation during the last millennium? Would you like to spend a pleasant evening catching up with old friends and colleagues? If you are willing to admit having been in business in the 80’s and 90’s, you’re invited, whether you are still in active practice or not. 

While we’re celebrating our mentors and industry pioneers, this happy hour is open to ALL FPA members, so please don’t hesitate to sign up!

Speaking of happy hour…we’ve got another lined up in April.  On April 18th, just after tax season, we have a happy hour with one CE credit, focused on, you guessed it, taxes.  We are just a few weeks away from our first look at client tax returns under the new tax bill, so the time is ripe to brush up on tax planning for 2019 and beyond…with a little beer and wine to ease the pain! We are pleased to have Tom Flynn from Russell Investments presenting to our members.

This happy hour is in DC, at the office of Capital Asset Management Group in Georgetown. We are thrilled to bring an event back to the city after several years.  If you’d like more events in the city in the future please let us know!

Lastly, our two signature spring events are on the horizon.  Our annual charity golf classic is set for March 2nd at 1757 Golf Club in Ashburn. And on June 6th we have a star-studded spring symposium planned, highlighted by presentations from Ed Slott and Mary Beth Franklin.   Be sure to grab that early bird rate for the symposium before it expires!

Thank you for being a part of our vibrant FPA NCA community.  We look forward to seeing you soon.

All the best,
Chris Rivers, CFP®
2019 FPA NCA President

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