Friday, March 15, 2013

Building and Maintaining Closer Client Relationships: Professional Development March 22nd Program

Friends, we have a problem. In their 2012 Reputation Survey, Harris Interactive reported that only 17% of respondents had a positive impression of the financial services industry, which is down from 22% the prior year. More than three years after the financial crisis, our industry ranks third from last in popularity, besting only tobacco and, thankfully, government. Unfortunately you can hardly blame the public; the wounds inflicted by Bernie Madoff, Allen Stanford, Wall Street and a host of others are still fresh in consumers’ minds. You could argue that financial planners shouldn’t be lumped in with these bad actors and I would whole-heartedly agree – but would consumers and prospects agree? Or does the public unfairly paint us with the same broad brush and greet us all with a hefty dose of skepticism?

If we want to help more clients and build our practices, we will need to overcome the negative perception consumers have of our industry, which makes the difficult job of building trust with prospective clients that much more important. Ogilvy Public Relations, a leading PR firm specializing in reputation management, advises clients worldwide on creating, articulating and protecting their most valuable asset: their reputation. Dani Mackey, Senior Vice President and Nick Ludlum, Senior Vice President will address the value of reputation, and demonstrate how a strong reputation is linked to greater trust. They will outline the challenges of today’s complex communications environment, specifically as it pertains to the financial services industry, and will offer best practices and case studies to help you communicate more effectively with consumers, prospects and existing clients.

Also in our program, we are excited to have Lisa A. K. Kirchenbauer, CFP®, RLP®, President of Omega Wealth Management, who will speak about holistic financial planning and what a comprehensive financial plan looks like. With more than 20 years of experience as a financial planner, and Life Planning skills developed as an instructor for the Kinder Institute of Life Planning, Lisa brings an important perspective on building your practice for the future.

Have you ever wondered why some planners chose to be RIAs while others are fee-only or fee-based?  For the final portion of our action-packed program, we will host a panel discussion on the different types of practice formation. Our panelists will share insights into their particular business model, the pros and cons of each, and why they selected one over the others.

We look forward to seeing you on March 22nd at Maggiano’s in Tyson’s Corner!
Check in 10AM – Program starts at 10:30 – Program ends at 1:30PM
2 CFP CEU, 2 CIMA CEU, 2 VA Insurance Approved!
MD Insurance Pending, 2 CPA CPE Offered!
Register on line at!
Howard Pressman, CFP® Professional Development Co-Director
Parker Trasborg, CFP® Professional Development Co-Director


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