Message by Ryan Fleming, CFP®
Happy June FPAers. I was thinking about a gathering
we had with some younger members in May that drew about 40 individuals. One of
the big takeaways was that they really want to be involved, but they don’t
always feel welcomed. It occurred to me that it might not just be this group
that feels that way.
Each of us pays our required annual dues – there are
825 members in our chapter. We’re a top five chapter. The biggest gatherings –
our symposia – see 150 (spring) to 300 (winter) of us in attendance. Some of us
even go to monthly lunch, learning, and networking meetings – 90 to 120 for
each of our luncheons. But the NCA board has 16 volunteers as committee
co-chairs on just 9 committees.
We have room for many. Our golf committee was 12
members deep, and they could probably have used a couple additional volunteers.
Programs, professional development, and government relations committees don’t
have any committee members beyond the board members. Joining a committee is
easy and it’s a great way to dip your toe into the waters of FPA. Also, if you
have any interest in a board position, joining a committee is the fastest way
to get there. Go to the last page of any newsletter
for the list of committees and chairs. Or, if you have a few minutes, take a
look at the board member job descriptions
in the About/Governing Documents section to see if anything interests you.
With our new web host comes a neat new classified
section. Check it out at, click Financial Professionals, run your
pointer over Newsletters, and click on Job Bank. Last month, we had six people;
in May, that was down to two. If you have a position you need to fill or you
want to put your résumé out there for the world to see, send a note to Peggy (
so she can assist with getting your posting set up.
We have one more luncheon before fall – July 11th
at Maggiano’s in Tysons. Jay Mooreland, a CFP® and a behavioral economist,
presents The Emotional Investor – Solving Client Volatility. Hope to see you
there. In the meantime, if you want to connect, please reach out to me or one
of my fellow board members.
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