Monday, June 30, 2014

                              President’s Message
Helen Modly, CFP®, CPWA®

If you missed our spring symposium on June 20th, you missed some of the best presentations I have ever seen at our chapter’s event. Their presentations are available to view on Guidebook and there is some great material there.

Last week, I joined ten of our local chapter members and scores of FPA members from around the country for our first annual FPA Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. Collectively we met with many of our senators, representatives and their legislative staff.

We were there to introduce the FPA as THE association for financial planners and to explain our positions on SEC and State regulation of RIAs vs. a regulatory plan that involves FINRA or third party examiners. We also talked about the distinctions between a fiduciary level of care vs. a suitability standard and we voiced our opinion that there needs to be some standards set for holding out as a financial planner.

We had beautiful weather for our trek between the various buildings. Here we are at the beginning of the day.

Interestingly, we were asked by one staffer for a senator on the banking committee if our association was brand new since she had never heard of it. This comment highlights why this Advocacy Day needs to happen every year. As a chapter with 820 members in Capitol Hill’s back yard, we should be able to field an army of planners next year. I hope you will consider joining us.

Warmest regards,
Helen Modly

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